Saint-Gobain International Gypsum Trophy
About the 14th Edition
This unique international event is a major opportunity to recognize outstanding collaboration between Saint-Gobain and its customers. The competing projects serve as a reference for drywall system craftsmanship in the Gypsum industry and inspire greatness among the international interior building community.
For the 14th Edition of the Gypsum Trophy, the categories for the competing projects have been updated, with three new categories replacing former ones. Discover all the categories below!
Gypsum Trophy New Categories
Key Figures
The International Jury
Jury members are selected by the International Gypsum trophy Organization Team to guarantee objectivity and to ensure full comprehension of all technical aspects of the competing projects. The 14th International Jury is made of Saint-Gobain representatives and external profesionnals.
To ensure that all entries are judged on an equitable basis, specific judging criteria have been developed for the International Jury. The jury memebers are able to both assess the technical skills of drywall contractors and the overall performance of the systems and solutions implemented during the course of the projects.
Our jury members will be revealed at a later date. More information to come soon!