What is the International Gypsum Trophy?

From its origins in Paris to today, the Trophy honors those craftsmen who use our solutions in sustainability, comfort, safety, aesthetics, and modularity to make the world a better home.
Participating contractors accomplish impossible feats by combining their “know-how” with world-class materials to create high performance solutions. Some build on existing historical structures, while others create something completely new. Some projects take the power of over a thousand collaborators while others are done by one alone. These creators show their boundless creativity and should be proud of the work they are doing.
A Two-Step Competition
It is a showcase of Saint-Gobain’s excellence and innovation in the use of sustainable and lightweight plasterboard systems and plasters by the best contractors.

Who can enter the competition?
Any plasterboard or plastering contractor or professionals specializing in the traditional craft of plastering or mounting plasterboard systems can enter the competition. Each country may enter between 1 and 6 projects, 1 project per category and per country.
Gypsum Trophy New Categories

Which projects can enter the competition?
• Projects must have made use of Saint-Gobain Gypsum Solutions. The use of other Saint-Gobain solutions may increase the scoring.
• Projects competing in the International Trophy must be projects which have won a prize in their National Trophy.
• Participating projects may not have been submitted in a previous International Gypsum Trophy competition. A project that is part of a bigger building or facility which has already been partially submitted in a previous International Trophy will not be accepted as an entry. This rule applies even if the part of the bigger building or facility previously submitted does not include the current project.
• To be eligible for the competition, Projects must have started between 2020 and 2024, and be completed before December 31st, 2024.
What are the Judging Criteria?
The judging criteria are divided into four main sections:
Installation challenges encountered before and during application, perfect finishing of the project, and use of solutions/techniques that are innovative to the project’s local market.
Use of Saint-Gobain Solutions
Installers’ proactive initiative to integrate the most relevant and efficient Saint-Gobain solutions to the project, wide use of gypsum solutions, and use of non-gypsum solutions.
Efforts made to build a project that is better for the people, and efforts made to build a project that is better for the planet.
Presentation Quality
Points are given for the quality and the clarity of the presentation, including relevant photographs and/or drawings, clarity of the presenter, comprehensive content, etc.
Key Figures
The International Jury will select the winners of the 14 prizes of the International Gypsum Trophy:

About Saint-Gobain
At Saint-Gobain, we care about building better. We are guided by our engaging purpose: MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER HOME and we translate it into a strategic commitment and concrete actions.
This means being at our customers’ and partners’ side to:
•Innovate and help design, construct and renovate better buildings that reduce impacts on our planet.
•Enhance people’s health and wellbeing and deliver reduced costs and increased value.
•Provide innovative solutions to improve their performance and support their journey towards more sustainability.
Our vision is to become the worldwide leader in light and sustainable construction.
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