Colegio Sabrado Corazon (Rehabilitación)
Project description
In 1894 the Carmelitas Sacred Heart School in Vitoria was founded with an innovative character since its inception. The proposed remodelling addressed two floors, intervening in the music and rehearsal rooms, as well as dining room, kitchen, teacher offices and visiting room. One of the main difficulties of the work has been the short execution times. One of the main interventions has been focused on guaranteeing a correct acoustic condition of the rooms, by installing Gyptone® Activ’Air® sound-absorbing ceilings, in addition to obtaining the acoustic insulation between enclosures required by systems with Placo® Phonique plasterboard complemented with the use Rigidur® for the sole areas. To respect the aesthetics of the building, in the area of the windows it was necessary to use a 6 mm BA Placo® Plasterboard for high radii of curvature.
This company was founded in April 2010, currently has 20 employes and subcontracted to more than 80 people. Its specialty is insulation and coating with plasterboard systems. Recently Ixar has been the plasterboard installation company of the tallest residential building in the world built under the passivhaus method, one of the most efficient standards in terms of consumption and energy saving. This skyscraper of 28 floors, 88 meters and 171 homes is located at Bolueta, Bilbao.
Key Achievements
- Meet the delivery time of the work: Excellent coordination and solution for materials supply Searching optimal solutions cost-benefit (i.e. Megaplac® in corridors)
- Quick installation of the different system and excellent execution (aesthetic finish).
- Use of appropriate plasterboard for each performance
Key Challenges
- Project was executed during the summer months, in the school holidays, with only two plants
- Supply of materials on the 2nd floor
- Many different materials due to different performances
- Looking for high efficiency solutions in term of cost-benefits:
- Thermal insulation
- Sound insulation
- Reverberation time
- Fire resistance
- Robustness solution
- Perfect finish