Athens 2023 | Plaster

Rehabilitación Vivienda Margenat

SpainSpainCompany Name: CLARA CADAFALCH

Project description

With the rehabilitation of the staircase in this impressive housing located Barcelona center, the accessibility has been sought improving the connexion between the different floors and giving a key ornamental design to the building.
Plaster craftmanship was the inner secret to conclude this remarkable piece of art.
The plaster handrail and the railing have been executed “in situ” due to the geometric complexity of the stair, resolved with Iberyola®, a highly fine plaster that allows a finish of high whiteness and perfection.

For this, they were carried out for each section of the handrail rubber moldings, gutta molds were placed and it was filled with plaster and esparto grass to make the negative. This was the process to follow in the whole development of the handrail.

Every section was recalculated in situ, in order to achieve the best curve radius for the design and use of the handrail.

In this renovation, Placostic® renewal 1h has been used for the plastered curved ceilings, in combination with Mecafino® Plus and Proyal® XXI providing an excellent finish and aesthetic, with an extra comfort.

For rest of continuous ceilings in other areas such as corridors and living room and dinning rooms, 4PRO® was selected to assure a correct planimetry and smooth finish, a key point due to the amount of natural lightning of the house.

Main information

Building purpose / type

private house

Architect name

Beatriz Portabella



Main Representative: Mr. Agustí Cadafalch

Specialties: Manual plastering and plaster decorations

Founded in: 2014

Biography: The Clara Cadafalch company has been in the market for more than 7 years, but its members have been working in this sector for more than 40 years.
We are mainly dedicated to plaster and mortar spraying, manual plastering, assembling plasterboard systems, as well as decorative painting.

Contractors: Mr. Agustí Cadafalch

Key Challenges

  • Handmade work in every section of the handrdrail,with in situ creation and recalculation
  • Smaill execution space
  • Perfect and smooth finish required due to high lightning incidence in stairs
  • Use of several plasters solution to achieve the finishing and resistence objetive stablished

Key Achievements

  • Plasters suitable for wide range of surface types

  • Optimal performance for each space combining plaster and plasterboard solutions

  • Impressive design with the highest aesthetic finish

Saint-Gobain products & systems

Moisture resistance
Moisture resistance
Placostic Renovación 1h / Iberyola / Placo® PPM
Inspiring spaces
4PRO® – Ceilings
Neat finish
Neat finish
Placostic Renovación 1h
Productivity gain
Productivity gain
Placostic Renovación 1h
Smooth manual finish
Smooth manual finish
Smooth mechanical finish
Smooth mecanical finish
Proyal XXI
Acoustic insulation
Acoustic insulation
Proyal XXI
Superior aesthetic and design
Superior aesthetic and design
4PRO® – Ceilings
Allows curved design
Allows curved design
Placo® BA

Saint-Gobain Team

Angélica Gonzalo, Paloma Moreno