Culture, Education and Leisure

Tina Anselmi Primary School

Italy ItalyContractors: Palladio Servizi S.r.l.r

Project description

The “Tina Anselmi” primary school of Marcon has the aim of creating a new civic center that contributes to the development of the surrounding urban facilities, it is designed to accommodate up to 540 students with 20 classrooms plus various complementary spaces dedicated to school and extracurricular activities such as: library, refectory, gym and various multi-functional spaces. The horizontal distribution is guaranteed by a scenographic double-height room that constitutes the functional fulcrum of the project, an agora with a grandstand-staircase that reflects the new pedagogical model established by MIUR based on the link between classrooms and common connective spaces.

Main information

Sustainability certification goal
Building size

4 000 m²

Building purpose / type

Primary School

Building owner name


Architect name

Marcon Municipality, Arch. Pamio

Palladio Servizi S.r.l.

Company name: Palladio Servizi S.r.l.r

Main Representative: Nicola Bedin

Number of collaborators: > 50

Specialties: Internal & External dry systems, Thermal and acoustic insulation systems, Fire protection solutions

Founded in: 1991

Biography: Palladio Servizi is a company that has stood out for over 30 years for quality, reliability and competence. A point of reference for internal and external construction work for private homes, hotel buildings, public places and industrial realities.


  • Project sustainability and CAM requirements compliance is ensured by:
  • Choice of sustainable materials and solutions:
    • EPD Verified material usage
    • Certified recycled material content
    • Low VOC materials (Volatile Organic Compounds).
  • Design and performance compliance with CAM:
    • Acoustic requirements specific for schools,
    • Internal natural lighting,
    • Thermo-hygrometric performance
    • Self-production of green energy (photovoltaic on roof)

Saint-Gobain products & systems

Robustness guarantee
Robustness guarantee
Gyproc Duragyp Activ’Air® 13, Ecophon Super G™ B, Ecophon Akusto™ Wall A
Fixing strength 2
Fixing strength
Gyproc Duragyp Activ’Air® 13
Fire protection
Fire protection
Gyproc Lisaplac 13
Partition Walls
Partition Walls
Gyproc Lisaplac 13
ideal for making good onsite
Ideal for making good onsite
Gyproc Gyprofile & Gyproc EvoPlus 60
Productivity gain
Productivity gain
Gyproc Gyprofile & Gyproc EvoPlus 60
Interior application 2
Interior application – 2
Gyproc Wallboard 13 / Gyproc Hydro 13
Saving Money
Saving Money
Gyproc Wallboard 13 / Gyproc Hydro 13
Light weight
Light weight
Isover PAR 4+
2 in 1 product
2 in 1 product
Isover PAR 4+
Acoustic control
Acoustic control
Ecophon Super G™ B, Ecophon Gedina™ A, Ecophon Akusto™ Wall A, Ecophon Solo™ Circle, Ecophon Solo™ Baffle
Ecophon Gedina™ A
Superior aesthetic and design
Superior aesthetic and design
Ecophon Solo™ Circle
Inspiring spaces
Ecophon Solo™ Baffle
Owner’s testimonial
Marcon Municipality, Arch. Pamio
The complex is designed with cutting-edge technological techniques and systems in terms of energy efficiency, reduction of management costs and solutions for acoustic comfort, aspects that have become essential in contemporary construction.
Architect’s testimonial
Ing. Rovere
Tina Anselmi is a pilot project for the study of specific sound-absorbing walls and ceilings designed with different solutions depending on the various spaces, but always to ensure highest levels of acoustic comfort for students and teachers, eliminating the noise and reverberations that are often present in our school complexes.

Saint-Gobain Team

Dario Cassani

Photographer’s name

Lorenzo Bartoli for Saint-Gobain Italy